Hey, Nashville :)
My favourite part about any place I travel is the art. Art can tell so many stories. My best friend and I would look at a piece of art at the Frist Art Museum then guess what the artist meant. I should have bet her money because I was spot on for most of them.
This piece by James Perrin was my favourite of the day. The artist takes familiarity and strange objects and intertwines them to bring a sense of the known and the unknown to the viewer.
I cut off who the artist was for this but this showcases troops we lost coming home from war. Growing up in a military family, this piece hit home for me. So grateful for our troops.
This was a newer piece from 2016 created from the Black Lives Matter movement highlight the lack of justice on multiple unarmed Black people who were killed by police officers.
This piece recognizes people of different cultures and backgrounds coming together.
If I am being honest, I don't remember what this picture portrayed but I found it to be so beautiful and so calm.
Next time you're in Nashville, give this place a quick stop by. Depending on where you enter the building, there is a timeline down a hallway of the civil rights history that took place in the south as well as a lot of historical moments in Nashville. xx,Shay